Occupational health and industrial safety

In FESCO’s activities, occupational health, along with environmental, industrial and fire safety are not simply priorities but the basic values underpinning the Group’s perception as a strong and reliable partner, and no financial, technical or any other priorities may ever prevail over the safety of employees, local communities, and the environment.

In 2022, we updated our Occupational Health and Industrial, Environmental and Fire Safety Policy, which is the key document setting out FESCO’s position on the safety of its operating processes.

FESCO’s key principles and commitments in occupational health and safety:

  • priority of the health and lives of employees over operational performance;
  • full compliance with Russian laws, international treaties entered into by Russia, and federal rules and regulations on occupational health and safety;
  • continuous improvement of the occupational health and safety management system;
  • set of preventive measures to avoid occupational injuries;
  • safe working conditions that meet today’s requirements and expectations;
  • zero occupational injuries and diseases;
  • strong corporate safety culture;
  • mitigation of accident risks at hazardous production facilities.

To deliver against its occupational health and safety targets, the Group engaged in the following activities in 2022:

  • carried out a special assessment of working conditions that covered 2,503 workplaces;
  • assessed professional risks at 1,824 workplaces;
  • engaged in on-site control over compliance with sanitary rules and regulations, hygienic requirements, and sanitary and anti-epidemiological (preventive) measures at 793 workplaces;
  • arranged for mandatory medical check-ups for 3,319 employees;
  • provided personal protective equipment, detergents and decontaminants to 3,129 employees.
RUB 30 mln
provided in 2022 in guarantees and compensations that employees are eligible for under the Russian Labour Code
headcount of employees working in harmful and/or hazardous conditions as at the end of 2022

Occupational health and safety expenses, RUB mln

Source: Company data

Number of people provided with protective clothing and other PPE

Source: Company data

Measures taken in 2022

Source: Company data
  • Organisational measures include special assessment of working conditions, on-site control, professional risk assessment, occupational health and safety activities, medical check-ups, and vaccination.
  • Process and technical measures refer to equipment and power control systems and street lighting improvement.
  • Sanitary and hygienic measures relate to lighting available in workplaces and places for employees to warm up and eat, provision of PPE and drinking water, as well as disinfection and disinsection.
  • Employee training in occupational health and safety includes education, awareness raising, and equipment of health and safety classrooms.
  • Provision of PPE means provision of protective clothing and footwear and other PPE.

Digitalisation in HSE, industrial and fire safety

To reflect industry best practices and rely on the latest achievements in R&D and technology, FESCO Group as part of its digital transformation efforts started rolling out an automated HSE, industrial and fire safety management system to standardise processes and documents, reduce the share of routine operations, and mitigate administrative impact risks. Integration of the HSE, industrial and fire safety management processes into the Smart Port project will help track and prevent risks of accidents in operations and reduce the risk of human error when engaging in high-hazard operations.