Business model

FESCO is made up of five operating divisions:

Liner and Logistics, Port, Rail, Shipping, and Fuel.

FESCO operation is based on deep integration of the business divisions maintained by the management company and the shared service centre, which form part of the Extra-divisional Group. Such business architecture makes it possible to offer unique logistics solutions to our customers, including support along the entire transportation route.

Diversified assets and management functions combined in a single service for the customer provide a reliable basis under volatile market conditions as well as improve financial and operating performance every year, maintaining the leading role in the transportation industry.

Value created for stakeholders

  • Social programmes: RUB 173.3 mln
  • Training expenses: RUB 10.8 mln
  • Occupational health and safety expenses: RUB 219 mln
  • Fatalities and severe injuries: 0
  • Total procurement: RUB 52.6 bln
  • Procurement from SMEs: 57.6%
  • Environmental expenses: RUB 126 mln
  • GHG emissions down 4%
Government and local communities
  • Taxes paid to federal and local budgets: RUB 11.5 bln
  • Social investments: RUB 730 mln
  • More than 50,000 people benefitting from a variety of the Company’s social and cultural initiatives